Chinese Restaurants in Salem

Chinese foods are one of hot and spicy foods found in the world. The Chinese foods are very popular in the restaurants nowadays. The menu chart of every restaurant has a Chinese slot which proves how popular the Chinese foods have become. Chinese noodles are an all time favorite dish among children as well as adults which is served in form of soup or fried. The main ingredients used in Chinese foods are soya sauce, broccoli, beans, garlic, fermented tofu, rice vinegar, scallions, oyster sauce, white pepper, sesame oil etc.

Some familiar vegetables that are popular in Chinese cuisine are Chinese leaves, chili, Chinese cabbage, watercress, celery, bean sprouts, mustard greens, carrots etc. Tang is a kind of Chinese sweet and candy that is generally made out of cane sugar, honey, nuts, fruits and malt sugar. Let’s talk about Chinese dessert soup which is quite admired. Peoples love to have that hot soups and custards which is milder and less sugary than western desserts.

Chinese Restaurants in Salem

Chinese sausage is the widely known and used frequently in cooking Chinese cuisine. Depending on the ingredients, flavors of sausages varies. It is darker and thinner than western sausages and basically made from pork. Be it the tasty noodles or spicy chicken, to get your hot favorite Chinese item choose your destination from the following available restaurants in Salem.

Find the details of the Chinese Restaurants in Salem:

Yara Restaurant

No. 207/3,
Near AVR Roundana,
Opposite SBI,
Kauveri Avenue,
State Bank Colony Bus Stop,
Junction Main Road,
Salem - 636004
Phone No.: 0427 403 0212

Green Park Restaurant

No. 388/101 H,
Near Saradha College,
Saradha College Road,
Salem - 636004
Phone No.: 0427 244 3233

Little China Restaurant

No. 320,
Near Vasantham Hotel LIC Colony,
7th Cross Brindavan Road,
Salem H O,
Salem - 636001
Phone No.: 0427 244 5379

Golden Dragon Chinese Restaurant

Santham Complex,
Saradha College Road,
Fair Lands,
Salem - 636016
Phone No.: 0427 244 8877

Blue Moon Hiq Restaurants

State Bank Colony,
Junction Road,
Salem - 636004
Phone No.: 0427 244 9024

Selvi Mess

No. 212 A,
Opposite New Bus Stand,
Arthanari Nagar,
Salem - 636004
Phone No.: 0427 233 1798

Delhi Dharbar

No. 5/248 A,
Junction Main Road,
5 Roads,
State Bank Colony,
Salem - 636004
Phone No.: 0427 404 1112

Lavangam Restaurants

No. 75/6,
Opposite New Bus Stand,
Brindavan Road,
Fair Lands,
Salem - 636004
Phone No.: 0427 499 1599

DE Varsity Club

No. 132/10,
Opposite Appusami Hospital,
Gandhi Road,
Salem - 636007
Phone No.: 0427 319 2020

Selvi Mess

Attur Main Road,
Salem - 636201
Phone No.: 0427 233 1798

Ramalingam Hotel

No. 154/2,
Opposite Sri Vidhya Mandhir Higher Secondary School,
Meyyanur Main Road,
Salem - 636004
Phone No.: 0427 244 7700

Salem Castle Hotel

No. A/4,
Bharathi Street,
Salem - 636004
Phone No.: 9843 911 175

Selvi Mess

Cherry Road,
Hastampatti, Salem - 636007
Phone No.: 0427 233 1798

Dindigul Velu Briyani

No. 2 - 3,
Opposite Ponnusamy Kalyana Mandapam,
Near New Bus Stand,
SKS Hospital Road,
Fair Lands,
Salem - 636004
Phone No.: 9751 446 446 

Saravana Parotas

No. 135/106-B,
Opposite Nagarajan Hospital,
Rajiv Gandhi Road,
Salem - 636007
Phone No.: 0427 241 3311
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